GO FOR BROKE! is the 2018 CD release from Anthony Brown’s Asian American Orchestra. We documented the year that Anthony Brown’s Asian American Orchestra developed this CD. The multi-movement work blends Jazz with traditional Japanese instruments to honor the Nisei (2nd generation Japanese in America) veterans who fought in World War II while their families were incarcerated. Two of the five movements feature spoken word containing poems, stories and letters from and about people on both sides of the Japanese internment camps' barbed wire by San Francisco's second Poet Laureate, Janice Mirikitani. GO FOR BROKE! premiered in November 2017 at the Presidio, San Francisco, where President Roosevelt’s internment order, Executive Order 9066 (E.O. 9066), was effectuated by the Presidio’s commanding officer, General DeWitt in 1942 forcing over 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry into desolate concentration camps until the end of the war.

One can listen to sound clips from our CD here: http://www.fifthstreammusic.org/recor...

Asian American Orchestra - Go For Broke! A Salute to Nisei Veterans


Monthly Web Show - Nichi Bei Cafe


Promo Video - SF JACL Japantown History Mural Promo