Giving Voice to the Law

Steve Teraoka, managing partner of Teraoka & Partners, wanted to celebrate their 45th Anniversary in a different way.He wanted to give a message about their uniqueness as a law firm.

It’s About You

Teraoka & Partners asked us to create a video to introduce their firm to new clients. We collaborated with Steve Teraoka and his staff to figure out how to tell their story. We came up with the video below.


Telling Their Story

Steve and team wanted to personalize their story of 45 years. we sat down and over a few meetings developed a strategy and took a more documentary interview approach. This is the result.


2022 Message

It all begins with an idea. Steve wanted to share some of his New Year thoughts going into 2022. He asked us to tell his message.


2021 ALH Lomilomi Promo Video


Social Network Promo - Dandelion Project