The Real Tule Lake Story

Recounting history can be painful yet healing


The Tule Lake Pilgrmmage committee contracted Monks Media Works to continues its quest to bring people of the Tule Lake incarceration and detention Center to life. What was created was a series of stories streamed online for the world to see, learn and contemplate.


Tule Lake 101

Why is this important? The story of the Tule Lake WWII incarceration is a story within a story. First, the story of WWII Japanese American incarceration is one thing but the story of dissidents removed from incarceration camps to Tule Lake is another. We were happy to help tell the story from the help of the TUle Lake Pilgrimmage Committee



Out team was grateful to help produce and stream the first ever Tule Lake Virtual Pilgrimmage. We worked with the Tule Lake Pilgrimmage committe for over two months planning, filming, editing and eventually stream the production.


TEDx - Moreau Catholic High School


2021 ALH Lomilomi Promo Video